Mural Hopping
I love murals. I find them so far out of the realm of something I could create that I find myself in awe of their beauty and their scale and their planning and execution and the flat out skill needed to create one. Murals are popping up all over Charlotte and the surrounding areas and their images are covering social media.
My 13-year old son didn't seem to be eager to jump in the car and go mural hopping with just mom so when my teenage nieces were in town I threw them all in the car and we went exploring. Camp North End is a must for mural lovers. Nothing was open there when we went, but the murals are always open. We took a ton of pictures. Again, teenage girls are great for this adventure. There are over 20 murals all in this one walkable location. I'd share all of our pictures, but I don't want to overdo it. Here are a few of my favorites.

Also in the area are a few other great murals including the wings just outside of Camp North End and the mural outside of Jeni's Ice Cream. I have to admit, this was my first time at Jeni's as well. This post isn't about ice cream, but a side note: GO TO JENI'S ICE CREAM!
This all got me thinking about having a mural at Good Karma Ranch. I love seeing people's posts of fun shots around Charlotte in front of murals. Why not at our farm too? I threw the idea out to Jackie Moffitt who is a local artist who I'm very lucky to call my close friend. She was in! Another side note: I am so lucky to have such cool and talented friends. It makes life fun.
I had this very basic idea that I showed Jackie from a picture I had seen of on Pinterest of an alpaca painting. Jackie took it from there and very kindly coached me out of my boring idea into this gorgeous, fun, bright colored mural balanced by black and white drawings that she did based on pictures of animals from our farm. 25 or so hours later and this incredible mural was complete. Not only do all of our farm visitors get to enjoy this mural and take fun photos, but I get to see this every time I walk out of my front door.
Murals bring a lot of joy. Go mural hopping. Get out in your area and go find them. Take kids or your girlfriends or your boo, but get out there and explore and have fun. We all need some outside fun right now.
To see a short video of the making of the mural, check out our YouTube Channel. https://youtu.be/oenEmOWs2M0
To visit the mural at Good Karma Ranch, check our events and tours availability. www.goodkarmaranch.com Our IG @goodkarmaranch (it has a highlights real of all the mural pics that people share with me)
You can contact Jackie Moffitt via IG @jackiemoffitt or her website https://jackiemoffitt.com/
1 comment
I love your blogs! Can’t wait to read all of them but I need to pace myself (and get to work!). Thank you for uplifting my morning.